My Adventures with Superman Wiki
My Adventures with Superman Wiki

Kryptonite is a radioactive substance created when the remnants of Krypton's surface were irradiated by its planetary destruction. Its radiation is poisonous to Kryptonians and greatly weakens them. It can also damage Kryptonian technology, but is harmless to Humans. It was first used against Superman by the League of Lois Lanes.



  • Kryptonite was first conceived on the Superman radio show in 1943 to give Superman a believable challenge. Earlier in 1940, Jerry Siegel conceptualized “K-Metal” as a weakness to keep Superman from seeming overpowered and that later served as part of the basis for Kryptonite.
  • Kryptonite in this show has the uniquely added effect of making Superman’s blood vessels glow and causing crystalline growths to painfully burst out of his skin, akin to tumors.
  • Another aspect to the show’s interpretation is that Kryptonite also affects Kryptonian technology, this was also one of its properties in the live-action Superman series, Smallville.
  • Unlike the other versions of the Superman franchise, the planet Earth of the Earth-12 universe does not possess Kryptonite in any form, natural or artificial. However, that changed when Mr. Mxyzptlk brought Lois a sample of the substance, which was used to destroy Clark's ship. After receiving trace amounts of the mineral on Slade Wilson's hi-tech katanas, Lex Luthor was able to synthesize artificial Kryptonite to power his Metallo robots in season 2.
    • Brainiac confirms that the substance does in fact exist in the Earth-12 universe, as he has defensive measures to protect himself from it.