Earth-14 is an alternate reality within the My Adventures with Superman Multiverse, it appears to be a barren and desolate reality.
Not much is known about this reality, Superman of Earth-12 and Mr. Mxyzptlk briefly visited it with Mxy using it as a trap for the League of Lois Lanes. The trap worked and Mxy was able to escape to the League's ship and drive to the Space Between Worlds, after Mxy got his hat back and set off the alarms the League along with Superman and Jimmy Olsen teleported to Earth-Prime to help defeat Mxy.
- In the comics, Earth-14 is a ruined world where Superman is the only hero with powers and the others use high-tech battle suits. The “heroes” are the Justice League of Assassins, gritty soldier mercenaries armed with guns and high-powered weapons causing destruction to eliminate villains.