He is a teenage recluse and an old school bully, but he is a huge fan of Superman and wants to be a hero like him. One day due to the effects of a Bagua, Superman's qi/life energy is infused into him, and he becomes a Kryptonian-empowered superhero of China; he also has additional magical powers to boot.
Kryptonian Qi Manipulation
Solar Energy Absorption
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Hearing
Heat Vision
X-Ray Vision
Molecular Acceleration
Energy Resistance
Power Distribution
Eldritch Blast
10 Votes in Poll
I have some ideas for new characters to the series. Possibly ones from the DC comics, like the rest of the Superman family. My little sister has read and watched the Superman series and has always complained that they didn't add these characters to the TV shows. Hopefully, the writers and creators of this show will see this text and take my idea to heart and put it on the season 3 (and hopefully ongoing) seasons of My Adventures with Superman.
Galatea/Power Girl
Osul-Ra/Red Son
Johnathan Kent/Superman
Kong Kenan/Super-Man
Steel (John Henry Irons)
Steel (Natasha Irons)
Sharon Vance/Strange Visitor
Lar Gand/Mon-El
Brainiac 5
Saturn Girl
Cosmic Boy
Chameleon Boy
Superman X
New Genesis:
Mister Miracle
Big Barda
Dreamer Beautiful
Big Bear
Vykin Baldur
Serafina Baldur
Mark Moonrider
John Corben/Metallo
Doctor Hate
Rogue Kryptonians:
Granny Goodness
Virman Vundabar
Mad Harriet
Speed Queen
Sister Shadow
Leviathan Organization:
Anointed One
Rama Khan
Kher Wild-Cats:
Lena Luthor
Emil Hamilton
Lana Lang
General Hardcastle
Detective Bowman
Dan Turpin
Margaret Sawyer
Bibbo Bibowski
Edward Lytener/Luminus
Mercy Graves
Bruno Mannheim
Earl Garver
I have a theory i wanted to share about the four of the characters in the sneak peek photo. My Theory is that by Season 3, Clark, Kara, Lois & Jimmy will end up in a universe by Mxyzptlk where brainiac raised and molded both Clark and Kara together thus ended up gaining the kryptonian warrior armors with having different voices (since kari wahlgren does the voice of kara's armor, my voice choice for clark's armor voice should be Steve Blum since he does plenty of deep voice characters) and conquering the earth with the help of dark versions of Lois Lane and Jimmy Olson which led to a rebellion against the four of them. To be honest, It's just a theory for when Season 3 comes, We will see what happens about them when the time comes. What do you think?
This is something that's been swimming in my mind since I watched both seasons of MAWS, mostly in response to a certain someone's critique of MAWS on social media, and I kinda wanna get it out of my head. I won't name them here in case at least one person decides to confront them directly(I know how fandom can be..) but they raised some fair points about the show. Only points I didn't at all agree with was their opinion on Parasite and the idea of the Kryptonian Empire, and that overall the show didn't have the right metatexual priorities to be much more than a jab at toxic fanboys.
The person felt, for Parasite that he was a surface level baddie that was a riff on modern day CEOs and Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos without saying much of anything thematically, and for the Empire that it was a deeply questionable change to Superman's roots as an allegory for jewish immigration... I feel they were only half-right about the Parasite thing, and it ties into why I thought they were wrong about the Empire thing.
I remember them saying in dms outright that they thought setting up Earth and Krypton as similar dystopias made it all thematically redundant, that it disregards Superman's title as the Man of Tomorrow. I don't think it does tho, I think S2 tried to position Krypton as what Earth could become if the greedy and hateful(ie Parasite/Lex and Waller/General Lane) are allowed to guide civilisation according to their own self interests. Superman's presence is cautionary in its nature, he's still the man of tomorrow, he's just here to help us work towards avoiding Krypton's specific tomorrow and towards a better one where beings from around the universe are accepted. Parasite's role in S1 I think was meant to be the first step towards that goal, and I think it mighta been better if S1 showed off a more actual parasitic influence Ivo had over Metropolis, de-investing from the city infrastructure, making it look almost like Gotham at its worst. The person I mention criticised Lois' speech to the city at the end for being similarly surface level, I reckoned maybe they coulda adjusted it so Lois talks more about not giving in to hopelessness when it seems like things can't get better & that there's hope in standing together to fight for tomorrow. I guess the fight between Parasite and Superman+Metropolis was kinda already that but that's how I'd hammer in the themes of it. I reckon there're plenty of folks who would relate to that. Where Superman inspires folks so that ultimately Earth doesn't become a second "Kryptonian Empire" at heart. I think S2 reinforced this somewhat with Metropolis going under martial law briefly.
And speaking of relating, altho this is a bit of a tangent, the aforementioned person just couldn't seem to wrap their mind around the changes made to Krypton as established in S1, where it looked to them that it was serving as a vessel for Superman's "white guilt"(from being descendant of a colonialist superpower) instead of calling back to his jewish roots... which is a bit of an odd position to take in the year of 2024.. I mean, I'm pretty sure there're a few jewish folks of today who can relate to how Clark felt in MAWS, if you catch my drift? It ain't 1938 anymore. Things have changed dramatically. Idk, this isn't a big deal here, just a small pet peeve of mine. This is all just stuff I wanted off my chest is all. As it is I don't think the ideas have no merit to them, it wouldn't have taken many tweaks to flesh them out more. I thought it'd also be cool if a future season ended with the formation of the United Planets on Earth as the final nail in the themes as I laid them out, as Bendis wrote it in his Superman run a few years back. But yeah, that's all, I hope I was able to word this effectively =)
14 Votes in Poll
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Attention, members of the My Adventures with Superman Wiki!
Last month, we've watched the final episode of the second season of My Adventures with Superman that brought me to my final thought about teamwork.
Now, let's see how the third season of My Adventures with Superman will have in store for us according to Superman fans. The third season of My Adventures with Superman may be divided into two arcs:
The first arc concerns Lex Luthor trying to reshape Metropolis in his own image now that he has finally established LexCorp (a company that rose from the ashes of Task Force X), along with Deathstroke, Damage, and Atomic Skull as his enforcers (with the plot similar to those from the videogame Spider-Man: Miles Morales and the film Robots).
The second arc features the future son of Lois Lane and Kal-El (Conner Kent aka "Superboy", whose character is similar to Future Trunks) coming from the future to ask Superman and Supergirl for his help in preventing the New Gods from transforming Earth into a new Apokolips like they did with the Earth in Superboy's timeline. This is the story that is similar to that of the videogame Justice League Heroes.
The second arc starts with the trial of Amanda Waller following her arrest by U.S. officials. At her trial, reinstated U.S. Army general Samuel Lane, who was her pawn the whole time ever since Task Force X was created, has the ironic duty of listing all the charges against her. These charges are blatant insurrections, aiding and abetting known enemies of the state, high treason, public endangerment, the attempted assassination of Superman, kidnappings, illegal and unlawful imprisonments, unauthorized use and duplication of Kryptonian DNA to create metahumans, and forcefully initiating a hostile takeover of the United States Armed Forces in an attempted coup against the U.S. Government. Although found guilty of all charges and sentenced to spend the rest of her life in the Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane in Gotham City, but she escapes with the help of her 0MACs shortly after her sentence is announced, revealing her psychic connection with Brainiac after she stole his CPU that was kept safe in the Fortress of Solitude, ultimately initiating her latest paramilitary project called "Operation: Noah's Ark", in which she must scour the world for an ancient Apokoliptian device called Mother Box and use it to defeat Superman once and for all by reviving Noah (also known to us as "Darkseid").
I think it's my belief that Amanda Waller's character is similar to Wade from the TV show Voltron Force, whereas Brainiac's demented character is similar to Commander Kala from the same show.
Anyway, at the climax of the second arc, Amanda Waller's body disintegrates together with Brainiac's merged CPU after she activates the Mother Box, reviving Darkseid from his interdimensional prison created by a Sensory Matrix Field Generator to which he called it "The Apokolips Hypercube", who has been manipulating both Amanda Waller and Brainiac the entire time. The second arc then ends with Darkseid getting knocked into the Sensory Matrix Field Generator, imprisoning him once again in his interdimensional prison and restoring Earth back to normal; Superboy then returns to his timeline after thanking Superman and Supergirl for their help.
One of the two most important parts of the third season should be Superman's and Supergirl's transformation (which can only be done by joining hands with each other), which should be inspired by Futari wa Pretty Cure. This transformation sequence source can be found here.
The other most important part of the third season is the theme song for season three and beyond which should interpolate not only the Earth, Wind & Fire song "Getaway" but also the theme song for Electra Woman and Dyna Girl. The interpolating artist for this theme song "Superman & Supergirl" will be Paul Stanley's Soul Station.
So, what do you think? If the show My Adventures with Superman is to be renamed as Superman & Supergirl after its first two seasons, do you think all of this should work?
Please let me know on the comments below whether you approve or not—the choice is yours.
Until then, take care of yourselves and each other!
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Hey guys, check out this brand-new photo of myself, in my newly custom-made Superman shirt!
Pretty cool, huh? If so, then please, as always, comment below, and let me know. Thank you and God bless!