Hello everyone I made a little remake wen Jimmy, lois, and kara were captured by the human defense corps wen theye were trying to warn eath of brainiacs invasion. So I added kara apologizing after Jimmy sead sorry in pierce the heaves superman!
Jimmy: I'm so sorry kara I just I dont know what to do.
Kara: ...no no this isn't not your fault Jimmy Its mine.
Jimmy: kara this isn't your fal-.
Kara: BUT IT IS!
Kara (in tears): This all my falt. If I hadn't found those planets they would have they wouldn't have ben burn to death, if I hadn't have taken Clark you, him, lois and every one in this planet would have ben safe, and if hadn't (kara passing then saying with more tears with a flashback of wen kara was laser eyeing superman along with inosent people in most eligible superman.) If I hadn't attack those people then we wouldn't have been captured, and most of all if I had just died on krypton the hole universe would have bin safe.
Jimmy: "showing sympathy to kara"
Kara: I'm so sorry Jimmy I'm sorry I called you a temptation, I'm sorry lois I'm sorry from taking clark from you, and I'm sorry clark I'm sorry for everything I sead and did. I'm sorry I'm so sorry.
Kara: "crying nonstop"
Jimmy: Hay kara look at me, look at me.
Kara: "turning her head towards Jimmy".
Jimmy: this isn't your falt. non of this is your falt. I saw what brainiac did to Clark I'm sure that brainiac did something that made you do those things.
Kara:"nodding her head"
Jimmy: see nun of this is your falt.
Kara: but how do you know.
Jimmy (smiling): because I saw I the a different side of you wen we first met do you remember that.
Kara:"nodding her head"
Jimmy: How we walk to the park, got ice cream, and talk about seeing the unknown. That is the real you then and now. the one that did those terrible wasn't and never will be you.
Kara:"having a emotional brake down" I don't know Jimmy. Even if we win how do you know everyone will forgive me.
Jimmy: I don't know some will and some wont but its okay to believe.
Kara: But how do we get out.
Jimmy: that I don't know.
Continued with the rest of the episode.