Hey everyone! On behalf as well as requested by the Bureaucrat, @Jstewart2007 , welcome to November and our new Off-Topic thread.
Before you dive into conversation, here are our rules that will ensure this conversation remains appropriate:
No sharing of personal information that could reveal someone’s identity. This includes full names of both you or your family/significant other, one’s location (such as city), one’s school, phone numbers, credit card numbers, or passwords. Things like YouTube channels or Letterboxd accounts will be allowed.
Be polite and respectful of each other. Fights that spiral out of control can and will get this thread locked.
Keep the conversation appropriate and PG. If it wouldn’t be acceptable on the main d-board, it won’t be acceptable here.
No politics or religion. As interesting as these are, disagreements over them can get nasty, and lead to the breaking of rule #2.
Please also note that off-topic conversation is still not allowed anywhere else on the d-board – that is what this thread is for. And as always, our discussion guidelines apply here, just as they do for the rest of the d-board (save for the off-topic rule, of course).